Design Principles
The core components of the Tankloq solution are wireless communication network integrated sensors mounted on the tanks, bins or silos and web based online data collection software that can be accessed by any computer, tablet or any other mobile device that has a connection to the internet.
Tankloq is a new generation of remote telemetry system specially designed to offer you greater savings from reduced distribution costs.
Tankloq represents world leading innovation and design in wireless tank level monitoring. It is designed to make remote storage tank monitoring easier, cost effective and expandable with minimal disruption to customers or your business. It seamlessly integrates with your existing business processes and applications.
It is a total all-in-one solution that include field equipment and remote communications with web based application and gateway to give you easy monitoring access to your remote liquid and gas storage tank from anywhere with simple connection to the internet via your smart phone, PC or other mobile devices. Once your equipment is commissioned for your use, you can remotely manage it over the internet, with no maintenance requirements until a need for full system audit or replacement of battery several years later.
Lowest Cost of Ownership
Owning a modern storage tank level measurement or telemetry system is no longer “only for large corporations”. Any organization and private homes across Africa storing fuel, chemicals, fluids, bulk, liquid and gas materials can now deploy tank telemetry system to work smarter, boost productivity and get more savings from lower operational and logistics costs.
Tankloq has a low capital and operating cost profile delivering extremely competitive total cost of ownership. Our company is the first in Africa to achieve this through:
Cellular transmission allows for low cost low risk data transmission. Data collection management and gateway services are provided by our company. Deploying Tankloq equipment in volume reduces cost of ownership per unit even further.
Flexible Modular Components
The Turraco’s Tankloq telemetry system has an expanding range of unique sensor solutions that integrate with your existing field infrastructure. It accepts both digital and analogue inputs. Our system is readily adaptable to site layout and the enormous variety of installation variables. It allows you to plan and schedule maintenance, proactively improving your efficiency, safety and customer satisfaction.