Chemical Tank Monitoring & Inventory Management
Turraco’s Tankloq CHEM wireless remote tank telemetry system is a sophisticated chemical storage tank monitoring solution for the chemical, pharmaceutical and manufacturing industry.
It ensures that you accurately capture product or tank contents volume data from any location with web access with your PCs or any mobile devices.It eliminates possible theft of your materials and offer more safety for your employees since visual and manual inspection of tank will no longer be necessary.
Accounting issues as they relate to chemical inventory records are virtually eliminated as you will not only be able to continuously monitor and remotely gauge your product levels but also have daily, weekly and monthly record of your products with our telemetry devices software tools and alerts features.
* Bulk chemical and fluid tank level measurement, monitoring and inventory management.
* For all liquids, chemicals, fluid and addictives.
* Accurate Tank Gauging: Open communication standard allows seamless integration of multiple technologies for efficient collection of process data, remote device configuration and control.
* Advanced Inventory Management, Web Transaction and Accounting: All measured variables are displayed via an intuitive web based graphical user interface. Your operators are able to view and manage your bulk liquid and gas inventories with ease.
* Alarms: Tankloq continuously monitors your chemical tank to check for conditions that may require your immediate attention. If an alarm is triggered, users are provided the relevant information and tools needed to manage the situation in real time.
* Trends & Reports: Tankloq tank telemetry system allows your operatives to identify trends in historical and current tank activity across your entire facility by recording and reviewing daily activities in a clear and concise manner. Report can be generated from historical or live data and printed as required or exported for use in standard business applications.
* Custom Graphics and dynamic user interface.
* Third Party Interfacing.
* Leak Detection: Tankloq monitors tank for leak conditions and send alerts for potential environmental hazard with it value added temperature monitoring functionality…. And many more.